This documentation is for Magento 1.x. For Magento 2.x, see here.

Quick Start

This guide shows how to use Puppeteer with Test Live Checkout to simulate a guest checkout scenario.


macOS Users:

To run Docker locally, you need to install VirtualBox and Docker Machine.

For Homebrew users, Docker Machine is available via homebrew/core and VirtualBox is available via homebrew/cask.

brew update
brew cask install virtualbox
brew install docker-machine

Once VirtualBox and Docker Machine are installed, you will need to create a new machine (VM).

docker-machine create magento

This will generate a new VM where the Docker processes will run. Lastly, you will need to export several docker-machine variables to your shell environment, in order for docker-machine to work properly.

eval $(docker-machine env magento)

Getting Started

To get started, verify Docker is running properly.

docker ps

If the daemon process (dockerd) has yet to be started, you will receive an error.

Next, we're going to use the prebuilt Magento 1.x setup provided by dockerized-magento. It will supply us with all of the necessary components we need to run Magento locally.

git clone
cd dockerized-magento
./magento start

Setup can take awhile the first time around, so be patient and follow the instructions to avoid issues.

Payment Configuration

Once dockerized-magento setup is complete, we need to update the payment methods configuration.

  1. From admin panel, navigate to SystemConfigurationSalesPayment Methods
  2. Click on Cash On Delivery Payment and set Enabled to No
  3. Click on (not Direct Post) and set the following fields:
    • Enabled to Yes
    • Payment Action to Authorize and Capture
    • API Login ID to your Sandbox API Login ID
    • Merchant's Email to the email used for your Sandbox account
    • Transaction Key to your Sandbox Transaction Key
  4. Click Save Config
  5. If you have caching enabled, clear the config cache.

Extension Installation

Once the payment gateway has been configured, we need to install Test Live Checkout. If you are unfamiliar with installing Magento extensions, a great resource to get started is The Ultimate Guide to Installing Magento Extensions.

Extension Configuration

After installing the extension, complete the following:

  1. From Admin area, navigate to SystemConfigurationTest Live Checkout (left sidebar)
  2. Under General Settings, set Enable Live Checkout Testing to Yes
  3. Generate random 32 character alphanumeric string1 and paste into Authentication Token field.
  4. Under Log Settings, set Enable Logging to Yes.
  5. Click Save Config


After configuring the extension, we can start running automated browser tests.

Create a workspace directory and fetch a copy of the authorizenet.js Puppeteer script:

mkdir tlc-puppeteer && cd tlc-puppeteer
curl -fsLO \

The authorizenet.js Puppeteer script requires the environment variable TLC_AUTH_TOKEN to be present. Using the authentication token we created earlier, export TLC_AUTH_TOKEN to your shell environment.


Next, install the puppeteer package via npm:

npm install puppeteer

Last but not least, let's run the script.

node authorizenet.js

Once the process has completed, you will be left with 9 PNGs showing various stages of checkout, and a GIF of all screenshots merged.

To see what the end result will look like, take a look at Guest Checkout.


  1. There are many ways to generate random, secure alphanumeric strings. Below is just one of many such ways:
LC_CTYPE=C tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 < /dev/urandom | head -c 32 | xargs ;