# Changelog ## [Unreleased] - HTTP header rule type - Bulk import rules ## [1.1.1] ~ 2020-04-04 #### Fixed - Fix parameter type issue in RuleRepository::delete() ## [1.1.0] ~ 2020-03-11 #### Added - Add priority row to adminhtml simpleredirects_rule_view template - Add basic rule chaining support in RuleValidator validation model - Add Rule select source model - Include name, parent_id during save in adminhtml rule createPost, editPost controllers - Add name, parent_id form elements in simpleredirects_rule_form.xml - Include rule name in adminhtml rule view details template - Add parent_id column UI component class - Add Target column UI component class - Add Rule view model View::getParentName() method - Add parent, target rows to simpleredirects_rule_view template - Add CancelButton UI component class - Add cancel button to simpleredirects_rule_form.xml - Add adminhtml rule back button block - Add back button block in adminhtml simpleredirects_rule_view.xml - Add DeleteButton UI component class - Add adminhtml simpleredirects_rule_deletePost controller - Add adminhtml rule delete.js - Add delete button in adminhtml simpleredirects_rule_form.xml #### Changed - Update default value in ParentId::getLabel() - Set RuleInterface::getTarget() nullable return type - Check if rule has target value in Router::match() - Make target column nullable in db_schema.xml - Update button CSS class in adminhtml rule edit button block - Update config in simpleredirects_rule_grid.xml - Set RuleInterface::setParentId() parameter as nullable type #### Removed - Remove validation for target field - Remove edit button from simpleredirects_rule_grid actions column ## [1.0.0] ~ 2020-03-03 #### Added - Initial release of Simple Redirects.