Installation Guide


Simple Redirects has the following dependencies, as listed in its composer.json file:

"require": {
    "php": "~7.1.0||~7.2.0||~7.3.0",
    "magento/framework": "^100||^101||^102",
    "magento/module-backend": "^100||^101",
    "magento/module-store": "^100||^101",
    "magento/module-ui": "^100||^101"


The aforementioned list of dependencies is subject to change. Please consult the composer.json file of the target version you are using to find the most accurate list of dependencies.


You can install Simple Redirects several ways, however we highly recommend using Composer. Simple Redirects has dependencies, so installing with Composer makes dependency management substantially easier.


composer require auroraextensions/simpleredirects


Once you’ve installed the module, you will need to enable it. Run the following from the Magento root directory:

./bin/magento module:enable AuroraExtensions_SimpleRedirects --clear-static-content

Next, run the setup upgrade command from the Magento root directory:

./bin/magento cache:clean && ./bin/magento setup:upgrade


The above command may take a few minutes to finish, so please be patient.

After setup upgrade has completed, verify the modules are listed as enabled:

./bin/magento module:status

Next Steps

After you’ve completed the above steps, you will need to configure Simple Redirects for use. This is explained at length in the Configuration guide.