# Changelog ## [Unreleased] ## [1.2.0] ~ 2020-02-07 #### Added - Add PinInterface - Add PinSearchResultsInterface - Add PinRepositoryInterface - Add db_schema.xml - Add AbstractRepositoryTrait component trait - Add AbstractCollectionInterface - Add PinCollectionInterface - Add PinResourceInterface - Add PinRepository model - Add AbstractResourceTrait component trait - Add AbstractCollectionTrait component trait - Add AbstractPinTrait component trait - Add Customer Pin model - Add Customer Pin resource model - Add Customer Pin collection model - Add TokenCollectionInterface component interface - Add TokenResourceInterface - Add DataContainerInterface component interface - Add DataContainerTrait component trait - Add ModuleConfigInterface component interface - Add ModuleConfig model - Add adminhtml_pin_validate controller - Add adminhtml_pin_validate XML layout - Add adminhtml_pin_validate template - Add adminhtml_pin_validate view model - Add adminhtml default XML layout - Add adminhtml normalize.css - Add adminhtml_pin_validatePost controller - Add adminhtml_pin_create controller - Add adminhtml_pin_create XML layout - Add adminhtml_pin_create view model - Add adminhtml_pin_createPost controller - Add User PIN entity model - Add User PIN resource model - Add User PIN collection model - Add User resource model Pin::getEntityIdColumn() method - Add Customer resource model Pin::getEntityIdColumn() method - Add PinValidatorInterface component interface - Add TokenValidatorInterface component interface - Add InvalidPinException - Add User PIN validator model - Add User token validator model - Add ModuleConfig::getAdminExpirationPeriod() method - Add ModuleConfig::isCustomerPinRequired() method - Add area-specific for PIN, token validator interfaces - Add PIN classes to action whitelist in Customer Router class - Add customer_pin_create controller - Add customer_pin_create XML layout - Add customer_pin_create template - Add customer_pin_create view model - Add RedirectTrait component trait - Add PIN requirement check to customer_token_validate controller - Add customer_pin_createPost controller - Add ModuleConfig::getConfigValue() method - Add TokenValidatorInterface::validate() method signature - Add PinValidatorInterface::validate() method signature - Add Customer token validator model - Add Customer PIN validator model - Add ModuleConfig::getCustomerExpirationPeriod() method - Add customer_pin_validate controller - Add customer_pin_validate XML layout - Add customer_pin_validate template - Add customer_pin_validate view model - Add customer_pin_validatePost controller - Add $params argument to RedirectTrait::getRedirectToPath() method #### Changed - Move TokenRepository into Repository/ model directory - Change TokenRepositoryInterface::save() return type - Replace User config helper in adminhtml Token validation controller - Rename processUnauthenticatedLoginRequest() method(s) #### Fixed - Fix missing redirect URL params in customer_token_validate controller - Improve exception handling in backend authentication plugin #### Deprecated - Deprecate Shared\ModuleComponentInterface - Deprecate Plugin\Backend\Authentication plugin - Deprecate all helper classes: + Helper\Action + Helper\Customer + Helper\Data + Helper\Dict + Helper\Email\AbstractTransport + Helper\Email\Transport\Customer + Helper\Email\Transport\User + Helper\Input\Sanitizer + Helper\Input\Validator + Helper\State\Manager + Helper\Token + Helper\User #### Removed - Remove "Forgot Password" link from admin login page - Remove Model\Token\ResourceModel\Token\CollectionInterface - Remove Model\Token\ResourceModel\TokenInterface ## [1.1.2] ~ 2019-12-18 #### Added - Add customer AccountManagement model compatibility trait - Add customer account createPost controller compatibility trait #### Changed - Group imports by module in customer token validation controller - Group imports by module in customer authentication model #### Fixed - Fix < 2.3.3 compatibility issues with customer AccountManagement model - Fix < 2.3.3 compatibility issues with customer account createPost controller ## [1.1.1] ~ 2019-12-13 #### Fixed - Fix table resolution issue in Customer resource model - Fix table resolution issue in User resource model ## [1.1.0] ~ 2019-12-11 #### Added - Add TokenManagement class - Add TokenManagementInterface interface - Add webapi.xml - Add customer EmailNotification model - Add TokenRepositoryInterface::deleteById() - Add TokenRepository::deleteById() #### Changed - Group imports by module in admin Authentication plugin classes - Override parent constructor in customer AccountManagement model - Update frontend login_request.html email template - Update frontend account_new_confirmed.html email template - Update email_templates.xml - Update TokenRepositoryInterface::delete() - Update TokenRepository::delete() #### Fixed - Fix customer Authentication::validate() return type - Fix undefined variable issue in frontend email templates #### Removed - Remove adminhtml router ## [1.0.2] ~ 2019-07-06 #### Added - Add AuthObserver preference to prevent admin password update deadlock. #### Changed - Move system preferences to Aurora Extensions tab. - Change email templates from type 'text' to 'html'. ## [1.0.1] ~ 2019-06-17 #### Added - Add ExceptionFactory class for creating various exception types. #### Changed - Replace exceptions created via new with exceptions created via ExceptionFactory. ## [1.0.0] ~ 2019-06-10 #### Added - Initial release of Tokenize User Authentication.