This documentation is for Magento 1.x. For Magento 2.x, see here.

Installation Guide

This guide explains how to install Google Cloud Pub/Sub Event Analytics and its dependencies.



Google Cloud Pub/Sub Event Analytics relies on components from the Google Cloud PHP library for Pub/Sub communication. Listed below are those dependencies and each dependency requirements, all of which are handled by Composer.

Google Cloud Pub/Sub Event Analytics is pre-packaged with the necessary Composer files, therefore no additional configuration should be needed to install the dependencies.

Getting Started

Make sure you've downloaded your copy of the extension archive. If you have not yet purchased the extension, you can do so at the following locations:

Next, we'll show how to install the extension via modman and manually.


cd /var/www                                                           # Replace with the Magento root directory
modman init                                                           # Only run if you haven't initialized modman yet.
mkdir -p .modman/NickolasBurr_CloudPubSubEventAnalytics && \
tar -C .modman/NickolasBurr_CloudPubSubEventAnalytics \
    -xzf /path/to/NickolasBurr_CloudPubSubEventAnalytics-1.0.0.tgz

The extension archive does not contain a modman file, but one is available here. Run the following to add the modman file to the extension root directory:

curl -fsL \
     > .modman/NickolasBurr_CloudPubSubEventAnalytics/modman

Lastly, deploy the updates:

modman deploy NickolasBurr_CloudPubSubEventAnalytics


# Replace /var/www with the Magento root directory.
cd /var/www
mkdir -p /tmp/NickolasBurr_CloudPubSubEventAnalytics && \
tar -C /tmp/NickolasBurr_CloudPubSubEventAnalytics \
    -xzf /path/to/NickolasBurr_CloudPubSubEventAnalytics-1.0.0.tgz
rsync -Pahmvz --stats \
              --exclude="package.xml" /tmp/NickolasBurr_CloudPubSubEventAnalytics/* ./
rm -rf /tmp/NickolasBurr_CloudPubSubEventAnalytics


After the extension files are installed, we need to install the library dependencies via Composer.

# Replace /var/www with the Magento root directory.
cd /var/www/lib/NickolasBurr
composer install --no-dev

The Composer file is configured to install modules under lib/NickolasBurr instead of lib/NickolasBurr/vendor. This is done to make compatibility with Magento 1.x easier.

Wrapping It Up

Before attempting to configure the extension, make sure to clear the configuration cache, and, if any admin sessions are open, log out and log back in.